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Why is your laptop camera still a junk image?

返回列表 来源: 发布日期:2021-04-21 15:53:19

Laptops with cameras have existed for more than 30 years, but as the cameras in our mobile phones have become almost perfect, we find that the cameras in laptops still seem to be at the level of the previous generation: blurred images and much noise.

Of course, we never paid much attention to the quality of the cameras on our laptops before, until this year we were forced to have several hours of video conference or online classes every day, and then stare at my grainy potato like face. Even if I was a male god, I was so embarrassed that I was going crazy.

Like many people on the Internet, people are scrambling to install external webcams to improve image quality. For example, Logitech Brio can provide the quality of a 4K image. Others, most people take their own set of mobile phones as cameras.


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